Happy New Year! I love the newness and promise of a new year. It may be an arbitrary date on the calendar, but I love the notion that we get a chance to start over, to create something new, the hope of the good things that are coming!


How did you finish the year with your weight? Are you where you wanted to be? The beauty of the New Year is that we get to start fresh and create what we want. So no matter how the last year ended, we can begin. This month we’re going to be creating that fresh start, intentionally setting up to make this the year that the weight problem is solved for good! But first…



We have to take out the trash.


You know how when you want to sit down to journal or make a vision board (or do anything creative), you have to clear a space to work? This is the same thing, but it’s clearing out junk in your mind. You can’t sit in your chair if there’s a pile of laundry on top! You also can’t move forward if your mind is full of junky thinking.

So what is mind trash? It’s thoughts that get you nowhere except tired and defeated. When I asked you how the last year went for your weight goal, you may have thought, “I still haven’t lost my weight. It’s just impossible. I don’t know why I can’t do this. I’m so overwhelmed and busy. Maybe weight loss just isn’t possible for me.”

These thoughts are the trash.

When you have these kinds of thoughts cluttering up your mind, you don’t create anything. These thoughts produce fatigue, sluggishness, lack of motivation, defeat and overwhelm. None of these emotions allow you to move forward and create what you want. They just clutter your mind and slow you down!



So how do we take out the trash?


First, you slow down enough to listen to your mind. What are the thoughts humming in the background? It’s useful to sit quietly and listen to your brain after you ask yourself what you think about your weight. Then write it all down – this is how you capture the thoughts. Then recognize that they’re there, and show them the door. They aren’t helping you move forward – they’re just getting in your way!

The thoughts may keep coming back. But you get to choose if you will listen to them. Instead, you can decide that it is possible for you to lose weight. You can decide that you are capable of figuring this out. You can decide what you need to solve your weight problem and get going to make it happen!


You choose your thoughts. You can listen to the ones running in the background and feel unmotivated and tired, or you can get aware of them and instead choose thoughts that keep your weight loss moving! Your brain is not the boss – you are!



You can do this! Take out the mind trash and get ready – we’re building on the clear space you’re creating. See you next week when we start intentionally creating what you need to successfully lose the weight!

Now, I have exciting news – my digital weight loss course is complete! I will be launching it soon, so watch out for it! Once I launch the course, I will have a class of people working together to lose weight with my support. It’s going to be amazing! But when I have my class started, I will have limited capacity to take one-on-one coaching clients, so if that’s something you’ve been thinking about but just haven’t emailed me to get started, don’t wait – I’d hate for you to miss your chance to work with me individually if that’s what you want! Email me at drandreachristianparks@gmail.com at let’s get your consultation in before the course launches. See you soon!


Here’s your video help for the week!