It’s August of 2022 already – the year is flying by! How is your weight loss progress going? If you’re not where you want to be, this week’s post and video will help you get clear on where you are and how to move toward your goal intentionally. We’re gonna get honest with ourselves so we can get out of our own way! This week I want to share with you what I HAD to decide before I could lose weight and how you can get there too. Let’s go!


Welcome back! I’m so glad you’re here for the second week of Permanent Weight Loss. Over these few weeks, I’m sharing a few absolute requirements that I had to discover before I lost my weight. I’ve found that my clients have also been successful with weight loss when they’ve found these things, so I want to share them with you so you can lose your weight for the last time too!

But first, a disclaimer…


You might actually not be ready to lose weight. What do I mean, you might not be ready to lose weight? Of course you are, you’re here reading these posts! Not so fast…

Sometimes, you want to lose weight to fit into the dress for the reunion, be beach-ready for the summer, or drop five pounds before your doctor’s check-up. You can absolutely lose that kind of weight. But you know that’s the kind that comes right back, so you’re not really planning to lose weight for good.

That’s not the kind of weight loss I’m talking about. The kind of weight loss I’m talking about is the long game, the one that you keep working until you get to your goal and stay there. It’s the kind that has no timeline and you aren’t in a hurry because you know you’re gonna get there.

You have to decide which one you want. And even though it sounds good to say you’re ready for the long-term, permanent weight loss, sometimes it just isn’t true. You have to tell yourself the truth. Lying to yourself doesn’t do you any good, and it damages your integrity with yourself. If you’re not ready, it’s ok – just be honest and love yourself where you are. You don’t have to lose weight. It really is up to you! When you’re ready, you’ll do it. It is perfectly fine to be where you are in the process. And you’ll have your integrity and self-love intact when you get there.


Once you’ve decided that you are done with diet mentality and that you are committed to making real, lasting changes that you design and own, you’re ready for the next step.


You have to decide that weight loss is a solvable problem.


Some of you don’t quite believe it. You’ve gathered evidence over the years that confirms your thoughts that weight loss (especially permanent weight loss) is impossible. So when I offer you the thought that permanent weight loss is possible for you, you’re not sure it’s true. But to make your weight loss happen, you have to believe that your weight problem can be solved.


I’ll never forget that when I really was ready to lose weight, I was also ready to drop the thought that I couldn’t do it. I’d let myself believe that I couldn’t lose weight for years, that it was too hard, that my life was too busy/stressful/overwhelming to ever be successful at losing weight. That thinking was in the background. I wasn’t even really aware that I was thinking that. When I really decided that I was done and this problem had to be fixed, the next step was to believe that I could do it. So I started gathering evidence that I could solve hard problems. When I looked for proof that I could do it, I decided that if I could accomplish all the other successes in my life and live through the other challenges, then my weight would not be the thing that would defeat me. That shift in mindset was what allowed me to find solutions instead of being unable to see them.

You have to believe that you can solve your weight problem.



I believe you can do it! If you keep at this as you have the other challenges in your life, you’ll solve this one too! But if you want help, I’m here. Registration for the Weight Loss For Black Professionals course is open for a few more days (we start August 15th!)- you can learn more and register here. There’s no weight loss course out there like this one that is built to address your specific needs as a busy professional woman of color  – I’ve looked. So I built one! You don’t have to figure it out alone. Let’s solve this problem for good!


Here’s your video help for the week!