Ready for a new series? Welcome back – I’m glad you’re here! As we enter the holiday season, as you gather and serve and maybe cook and prepare gifts, I thought it would be wonderful if you were able to give yourself the gift of successful weight loss. So through the holiday parties and comfort food and treats, I’m here to help you focus on getting the gift you really want – watching that scale go down!

I know, your brain is like, “Wait, what? Lose weight for the holidays? It’s usually the opposite!” I know! But just because in the past you’ve eaten all the desserts and holiday cookies and stuffed yourself at Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners doesn’t mean that it has to be that way this year. And just because in the past you’ve started the New Year with an overeating hangover, regret, and promises to do better doesn’t mean that this time you can’t do this differently. Let me help you imagine…



What if it were possible that you could be around the Halloween candy, all the hors d’oeuvre, and all the family desserts and NOT gain weight? Imagine going into the company Christmas party in your LBD feeling less like a stuffed sausage and more like a rock star because your dress is a little looser than it was before. While you’re there, you enjoy socializing with a few people and the food and drinks aren’t as important as they were in the past. As a matter of fact, you realize that these catered foods aren’t really that great anyway, so they’re easy to skip.

What if you were able to look in the faces of your family this year around the holiday table and feel gratitude to be together again instead of diving into your normally overstuffed plate? What if you didn’t feel compelled to eat all the holiday foods right now? And what if because you were able to do all this, you went into the New Year at a lower number on the scale than you have today?



Sounds a little farfetched? Nope, it’s absolutely in reach for you! And for the next two months, I’m going to be with you as we focus on losing weight for the holidays. We are going to take care of ourselves through this season in a way that leaves no regret, only healthy pride, and confidence. You can be part of all the dinners, parties, and celebrations and not gain the seemingly inevitable holiday weight. And, you can enjoy all of it without overindulging in food. Yes, you can!


Let’s start now! We just came off the seasonal challenge – Halloween! Did you buy bags of candy to give to the trick-or-treaters and now have bowls of leftovers sitting around? What about your kid’s bags of candy? How about your coworkers who are bringing their candy to the office to tempt you to eat it between meetings? What do we do?

First, you don’t have to eat that candy. You can have that candy in cute little minis or snack-sized portions any time of year. Even if it’s not packaged in the same cute Halloween wrappers, it’s the same m&ms, snickers, reese’s, and sweet tarts. You can have it anytime, so you don’t have to have it all now! When there’s no urgency, it’s easier to leave it. 

Second, you don’t have to eat it at all. You can be the one donating the candy to your office. You could (gasp!) throw it away. You don’t have to be the garbage can – better to put it in the can than on your belly, right?

Last, remember what you really want. If you think about it, will any of that candy taste as good as seeing the scale drop and feeling better in your body? I can tell you for certain that nothing tastes as good. When that Halloween candy jumps out begging you to eat it, you can remind yourself what will make you feel better for longer than a piece of candy and leave it in the wrapper.


You can do this! You can focus and finish this year in a way you will be proud of. And if you want help, I have one more spot for private coaching. Once that’s gone, I’m starting a waiting list until some of my current clients graduate out. If you’ve been thinking that having a coach is what you need to get where you want to go, don’t wait! Email me at and let’s set up your free consultation – I’m here to help. You can start the New Year differently than you have before. It’s in your reach!


Here’s your video help for the week!