Well here it is, the last few days of 2016. I feel a strong shift happening in me, a need to prepare, to plan, to get ready. This doesn’t always happen; sometimes I feel like the New Year snuck up on me! But this year feels different, for some reason. I’ve heard a lot of people who’ve said they are so glad that 2016 is ending and how hard a year it has been. And it has been hard in some ways, and for some folks it’s been hard in many ways. But when I think back over the year, there have been a lot of wonderful things about this year as well. So in grateful list fashion, I’m going to list some of the good I remember from 2016…


  1. I started this blog!
  2. I did the Institute for Integrative Nutrition course and it was wonderful!
  3. My oldest daughter is turning 10 YEARS OLD – unbelievable!
  4. We spent a week in Florida at a beach house doing NOTHING
  5. My youngest baby learned to read at age three
  6. We had a family reunion this year
  7. I can do an arm stand and headstand in yoga now!
  8. My meditation practice is deepening
  9. My son is a math whiz
  10. My middle daughter has a memory that is out of this world
  11. We celebrated 13 years of marriage
  12. I’m learning to breathe deeply


There are many others, but this is a good start! It sets the scene for looking ahead to 2017. I’m doing a few things to get ready as the new year comes to us. Let me tell you more about what I’m doing…


Slow Down

Today we are spending the day at a day spa, retreating and resting. Mostly, we’re doing it because it’s my oldest’s birthday and this is what she wanted to do, but I’m using today to start my launch into the new year. It’s useful to stop and take a moment to think, reflect, and dream. I’m going to read and start preparing my mind for the vision board I’ve been planning to do.  I’m going to review my grateful lists, journal, and rest. It’s a good start to the new year!




I have a tendency to run at top speed all the time, so for me, meditation is necessary to help me to reset. I like being busy, and I like having projects to work on and complete, but all that activity can make me feel burned out and resentful at times. Meditating helps me to feel like I took a mini retreat that day. I use my meditation retreat to breathe, listen to God, and let the best parts of me rise to the surface.


My meditation pillow set



I’m so grateful to have a few days off work! I only took two days off before Christmas and with all the cooking and visiting and busyness, I’m feeling a little overwhelmed. It was a great holiday and I’m so glad I got to spend a little time with family, but now it’s time to power down. Tomorrow I’m taking down the tree and cooking my black-eyed peas and greens for the New Year. Sunday will be church (and probably pizza!), and Monday will be the Rose Bowl parade and laying around as much as the kids will let me. Maybe I’ll cut out some pictures for that vision board. Sleep is definitely in the plan for as long as my tyrant bladder will allow! I plan to watch a little TV, which I rarely do, but I’ve decided that a little Madam Secretary is a good rest and reward for the end of a big, busy year. Come Tuesday morning, I’ll be ready for the start of a powerful 2017!



What are you doing to get ready for the New Year? Tell me about your plans in the comments below!