I’m feeling good today! How about you? There’s been a lot of movement and transition over the last few weeks and we’ve been talking about some intense topics recently, right? The last four weeks I’ve been writing about Moving Ahead in life. I’ve been doing lots of meditation, self exploration and expansion, and that always brings up new ideas and ways of thinking. It’s refreshing! What about you? Any new shifts in your life?


One thing that came up for me recently was a question about fun. What do I like to do for fun? Surprisingly, it was very hard to answer. You’d think that wouldn’t be hard – you just decide what you’d do if you had an free time, and that would be fun, right? Not necessarily. When I started thinking about what I’d do if I had free time, I kept coming up with things I’d enjoy, but weren’t really fun. Maybe I’m being too strict on the definition of fun, but I really wanted to get a list of things that are purely fun for me, not just relaxing or restorative or interesting or restful. Spa day: restful and relaxing. Taking a nap: restorative. Pedicure: relaxing and nice, but not exactly fun.


Nap time: very necessary…

I had to dig deep. Doesn’t that sound a little nutty? Why is is so hard to figure out what I like to do for fun? I’ve spent a lot of time being serious, cultivating my outer grown up, which means putting aside things that didn’t seem in alignment with my goals. So fun has been missing out.  I’m out of practice with having fun! But, after some serious 🙂 thought, I came up with a few things I think are really fun, at least for me. That part is important: For me. What’s fun to my husband or kids or friends isn’t necessarily fun for me. For example, Perry loves movies. I might enjoy one now and then, but sitting in front of a screen for any length of time generally  just isn’t for me. The kids love to play Mario Cart – and if I never see another video game that would be ok with me. So I couldn’t pick a bunch of “fun” things and add them into my schedule. I had to figure out what I really think is fun…


First, I need more music in my life. For you folks around my age, do you remember mix tapes? This is before “playlists” for you younger people.  I used to have a big collection of mix tapes with all kinds of fun music that I’d play depending on my mood. And I’d usually be singing along! When music went digital, I probably was in medical school and didn’t get into making playlists. I still have stacks of CDs in storage. But now it’s time to get back into the music.


The old CD collection


The other thing that I’m adding that goes along with music is dance. All through high school and college I danced with modern dance companies (think Alvin Ailey style) and I was constantly moving and creating. I miss that physical creativity – leaving dance behind has left a big hole! I choreographed multiple pieces that we performed in college. The choreography always came from the music though. The inspiration came out of the music, so I’m using the music and spending some time dancing, whether it’s a family dance party or just me alone early in the mornings.


Two of the kids jamming at a family dance party


I also love to read, always have. I have stacks of books in my room. I can get lost in a good story, and books are my favorite way to experience a story! My kids love to read too, so there are books littered all over my house – in the bedrooms, in the hallway, even in the bathroom. I get a little frustrated with that, but then I remind myself that in a few short years, my little bookworms won’t be so little anymore, and there are worse things than books everywhere. I always have a lot to read, much more than I have time. Some of it is medical articles for work (those are good to initiate a nap, but not for fun!). I also like to read books that help me grow and think about new ideas, But I want to read more just for fun, just for the story. So I’m going to make sure to be reading something that makes me laugh or dream or be transported away. Even if just for a little while…


Just the ones near my bed…


The last thing I came up with for my “fun list” is something I haven’t done yet. There’s a thing at a local mall with a trapeze and trampoline. You get strapped into the harness and jump around, maybe flip if you’re daring. My kids have done it. But the time they went, I was working and couldn’t go. Shoot, I probably wouldn’t have done it then anyway – I’ve been too busy being a grown up. But now I want to go and try it out. It just seems like that would be something super fun to do, so as soon as I get a chance, I’m going! Ask me how it works out…


Practicing for the trampoline!


So what about you? Do you need more fun in your life? What things do you do just for fun? What is a uniquely fun thing for you? Share in the comments section below!