Sometimes, losing weight seems like an impossible task. Life is busy, and we have tons to do! There are groceries to buy, meals to cook, kids to chauffeur, relationships to maintain. Oh yeah, and many of us also work outside the home too, so there’s that! Seems like there aren’t enough hours in the day to get it all done as it is, so how in the world are we supposed to make time to focus on a weight loss plan? I know, taking time to care for you seems like a luxury that you can’t afford.

Let’s come back to that.



First, I want to encourage you with a story of a client who lost weight despite a super challenging situation. If he can do it, so can you! Yes, I said, “he”. As an OBGYN doc and coach, I almost exclusively care for women. But this was an exception! Let me tell you all about it…


This client found me through my YouTube videos. He’s a young man in his 30’s and had recently been seen by his doctor for a check-up. He was told that if he didn’t get some weight off, he was going to need to be on multiple medications. He really didn’t want that, so he decided that he was going to get serious about losing weight.

Now, here’s where it gets interesting.

This gentleman is an over-the-road trucker. He drives one of those big 18-wheeler trucks and moves freight. He travels most of the time and eats almost all his meals on the road.  If you’ve ever eaten at a truck stop, you know that most of the food served falls into the “comfort food” category – greasy, cheesy, starchy, and very tempting! He decided that the way he was going to lose weight was by juicing. He bought a juicer and put it in the truck and started his program.

Then he found my videos. One of the nurses in my office shared them with him and he started watching my series on Weight Loss Basics. I knew he was watching because he started commenting on the videos as he watched them. What I didn’t expect was the email he sent me after he lost more than 60 pounds.

He said, “I decided that enough is enough and that I have to change my eating habits but I did not know how to deal with dieting and hunger. This was where you and your amazing youtube channel came in!!! I purchased a cold press juicer and juiced greens and fruits and lived off of that for 50 days! I lost a total of 63 pounds in the 50 days. If I didn’t religiously watch and study your hunger series on YouTube every day, I would’ve never made it through my journey!!! Sometimes I felt like your videos were too short because I didn’t want it to end!”



This kind of story reveals the power of coaching! I didn’t prescribe his plan, but I helped him stay true to what he decided he wanted to create. He was able to stick to his plan and reach his goal by working on his thinking, which is what coaching is all about. Long-term weight loss success comes from changing how we live, which only works if we change how we care for ourselves from the inside out. That starts in the mind!


That brings me back to where we started. You might think that you have too much on your plate to commit to a weight loss plan for yourself. You may feel like meal planning and food prepping are impossible with your schedule, so you just won’t have time to do the things you need to do to lose weight. But – what if the process of weight loss could be easy? What if you could lose weight and spend less time than you are now worrying about how to get it done? Both are available to you. I had another client recently tell me that she is amazed at how easy losing the weight has been since she started coaching with me. It can be the same for you!



Now, you can absolutely do what this gentleman in my story above did. You can lose weight by following my guidance in my YouTube videos and reading these posts! But some of you want more support. Maybe you don’t know where to start or how to craft a customized plan for yourself. That’s why I’m here! If you know you’re ready to start your successful weight loss story, email me at, and let’s set up a consultation. It’ll be the beginning of you losing weight for the last time!


Here’s your video help for the week!