Welcome back! It’s good to be back together here to talk about what matters to us. We’re evaluating the costs of NOT losing the weight we want to lose.  It took me a loooong time – decades, really – to get to the point where I was ready to get myself out of misery and lose the weight for good. All that time, frustrated, critical, sad, fed up, and hopeless, spent on a problem I wasn’t solving!


We looked at the time we’ve spent on NOT solving our weight problem last week. And I meant what I said – you haven’t wasted it. All your experiences can be used as leverage to be successful this time in getting to your goal and staying there. Now, we want to move forward and get that weight off! Counting the costs of NOT moving can help our motivation not to waste any more of our precious resources and get this thing done!

This week, we’re going to talk about money.

Sounds easy, right?

It’s more than you think.


First, we’ll do the easy part. This is the best way to get started and exactly how I help my clients gain momentum. We start with what’s easy to do and gain momentum before we tackle the tough stuff! So, the direct costs of NOT losing weight are all the things you’ve spent money on in the past in the name of weight loss. What powder, meal plan, pill, supplement, prepared meals have you bought to lose weight? Remember the plastic shorts to put on to work out to make you sweat more and lose weight faster? How about Slim Fast? Other meal replacement bars and such? Work out equipment? How much money would you estimate you’ve spent on solving your weight problem? That’s a real question – see if you can make an estimate!



Now – I’d have no problem with spending money on any of this if it worked. But there’s still a huge multi-billion-dollar-a-year diet/supplement/fitness industry because the products don’t work, at least not long term. Your goal isn’t to drop ten pounds to fit into a dress for an event – you want to get this weight off for good and get off the roller coaster of dieting and yo-yo-ing up and down the scale!


All that money you’ve spent – those are direct costs of your weight loss attempts. But there are indirect costs too. The hidden costs of NOT losing weight might be costing you even more money than you’ve spent directly. How many times have you bought clothes you didn’t really want because you had to change sizes? Ever find yourself buying stuff off of Facebook/Amazon/take your pick because you’re frustrated about your weight and you get a little boost from buying something? How much money have you spent on random stuff because you we’re in emotional pain about your weight? Can you calculate that number?


You get to choose how you spend your resources. Your money goes where you decide and you can use it unconsciously or intentionally. Wouldn’t it feel good to know that your money is going exactly where you want to solve what you want?



It might be that until now, you didn’t know that your barrier to permanent weight loss was your own brain. You may just have learned that the way you think needs reprogramming to get to permanent weight loss. That’s ok! You keep learning and training that brain and you will change it!

If you already have decided that this work is for you but you want to move with more purpose and intention than you can alone, I can help you. If you’re ready to invest in coaching to get your brain and body where you want it, email me at drandreachristianparks@gmail.com and let’s set up a free consultation to get you started! But don’t wait – right now my coaching capacity for this class of clients is almost full. If you don’t want to wait until I open up for my next group, get in here and get my last spot!

See you next week!


Here’s your video help for the week!