Welcome back! We’re starting a new series on What Really Matters For Permanent Weight Loss and I’m really glad you’re here. This is the first week of the series and I’m so excited to share these essential elements that you must have to get to your goal and stay there – let’s get started!


If you’re anything like me, you’ve spent an incredible amount of time, energy, effort, and resources to lose weight. You’ve bought the shakes and hired a trainer and taken the pills and followed the plans. You’ve bought premade meals and spent hours in the kitchen doing food prep. So when I say that in order to succeed at permanent weight loss you have to have commitment, you figure you already have that. I mean, look at all the effort and work you’ve put in already!



The commitment I’m talking about is different. Investing in a program and following it for two months or two weeks is one kind of work.  I don’t downplay any of your efforts to this point – you’ve been working hard! The kind of commitment I’m talking about this week is a commitment to the process. It’s different than cutting carbs for 6 weeks and then falling off because it’s Thanksgiving. This is more than working a plan until it seems like it’s not working anymore and then taking a week or month off from trying to get to your goal.

This commitment lasts regardless of whether the scale goes down or not. When you’re truly committed to the process, you’re going forward no matter what the scale says or whether you see quick progress or not. You are moving toward your goal even if the scale seems stuck or you’re inching down slower than you want. If the scale jumps up a pound or two after you go out to eat, you don’t throw out the plan – you attribute the gain to water weight or the wine with dinner or the dessert you shared, and you know that you will lose it over the next few days while you follow your plan. No matter what, you’re going to keep it pushing – you’re going to do what it takes to figure this out!



Staying committed doesn’t have to be hard or painful. It’s not a never-ending marathon! The kind of commitment I’m talking about doesn’t involve whipping yourself into staying on your plan! I’m talking about a steady, supportive resolve that keeps you moving forward when in the past you’d have thrown up your hands and eaten a sleeve of cookies. That loving, solid commitment to yourself is a skill you learn while you lose weight if you build it through the process. It may not be something you’ve ever seen before and might sound totally unfamiliar. But that rock-solid commitment is exactly what you need to get to and stay at your goal. It’s what I help my clients create for themselves and you can have it too!


You can do this! If you’ve been a serial dieter, this might sound completely foreign. You might want to develop that supportive commitment but just don’t know how to do it. You may want help – someone to guide, trouble-shoot, and hold you accountable as you create this new reality for yourself. I’m here to help! Email me at drandreachristianparks@gmail.com and let’s set up your consultation, a free one-hour session that’s totally devoted to helping you find the vision and inspiration you need to get your weight loss journey on track. You’re smart and you can do hard things, but you don’t have to figure this out alone!



Here’s your video help for the week!