Hello and welcome! I’m glad you’re here. We’re working through the characteristics and qualities you need to get to what you really want, which is permanent weight loss. We’ve been evaluating this for a few weeks, talking about commitment (both to the process and to self) and consistency. This week we’re going in for something else we need to get to our goal weight and stay there.





Sounds good, right? Resilience seems like a positive quality we should cultivate in our lives. So why don’t we have it? Let me describe it another way. Resilience is the willingness to fail.

Welp, that doesn’t sound so good, does it?

Nope, not here to fail. Aren’t we supposed to be doing things that make us successful? Stay with me. Resilience is crucial to your success. If you have no tolerance for failure, you will be limited in what you can create for yourself. Let me give you an example.


Think about an infant who’s learning to walk. In the beginning, he doesn’t do it well. Every time he gets up and tries to take a step, he falls down. If that were the end of the story, you’d have 16-year-olds hanging out in a bouncy seat! But they keep trying and getting better until all of a sudden they’ve got it and are tearing around the house as fast as their little legs can carry them. Little kids are MUCH better at resilience than we are.

If we weren’t willing to fail, we’d never learn to ride a bike, or roller skate, or read a book, all things we learned how to do when we were young.



Now, we think that because we’re our mature adult selves that failure isn’t for us. We think that we’ll look foolish if we try something new and it doesn’t work. Or we think that failure in the new thing is the end of the story or that the failure somehow defines us. So we don’t try the new thing and we fail in advance.

This unwillingness to fail is what keeps you in diet mentality. That’s familiar territory – never mind that it hasn’t gotten you to your goal. The concept of trying something new seems risky. What if it doesn’t work? What if you tried coaching and you didn’t get all your weight off? You might lose time and money. You could keep doing what you’ve been doing and get the same results. You could try something different and you might learn something. It’s entirely possible that you’d experience what it feels like to live in the body you want without struggling so hard to stay on a diet. You could actually change your whole life! But your fear of failure is keeping you from ever finding out what’s possible…


Resilience is required for permanent weight loss. You will change and grow and learn the more you are unafraid to fail. We had resilience when we were kids, but somewhere in the process of becoming an adult, we lost it. But you can get it back! It takes practice and commitment, but you are able to build your resilience.

I’m here to help!

If you want support and accountability, someone who will guide you through the process of creating the permanent weight loss you want for yourself, email me at drandreachristianparks@gmail.com. We will set up a free one-hour consultation and get you started on the path to achieving your own permanent weight loss!

Don’t wait though. I’ve only got one slot left for one-on-one coaching. Once it’s full, you’ll have to wait until I graduate out some clients before we can work together. I’d love to help you find the success that my clients are experiencing! Let’s get what you want together!



Here’s your video help for the week!