We are nearing the end of our “high season” with all the holidays and birthdays almost over. Invariably, at this time of year, I tend to pick up the nearest virus floating by, probably because I tend to be run down after all the hoopla of the season. But, I’ve figured out how to optimize and mobilize my immune system, how to fight the “bug” I’ve picked up. You know how we doctors say that the common cold will last you 7-10 days, no matter what you do? Well, my last two colds have been tough for three, four days max. I might feel the edge of the cold as it beats a hasty retreat for a few more days, but my energy, sleep, and strength are back or better than average after three days. It didn’t used to be this way. Want to hear more? Keep reading…



First, if I pick up a virus, it’s a sign that I’m doing too much. None of us pick up every virus that floats by – we’d be sick all the time! So what determines whether we are efficiently handling the viral attacks launched at us daily? Our immune function is very powerful and efficient, but if we are dehydrated, eating poorly, not sleeping well, carrying a lot of stress and not caring for ourselves, that barrier of defense from our skin, mucus membranes, and gut lining can’t be as effective at warding off infection. So first things first: Figure out where you have been overdoing it, and look for how you can dial it back. If you’re suffering from an infection, now is not the time to remain in the red zone. Slow down so you can heal and repair. You can’t do maintenance on a hot engine: it has to cool off so the repair work can be done. Your body is telling you it needs a break, so you have to take it. Otherwise, you will take longer to recover.


You and your overheated “engine”


So how have I shortened my colds? I’ve adopted a regimen that helps me to boost my immunity and heal faster. And with four kids bringing in viral junk all the time, sometimes one is going to catch me slipping. I don’t always take the best care of myself (shhhh – don’t tell anyone!). But when one catches up with me, here’s what I do:



Yes, I capitalized that one! Your body knows exactly what to do, and much of the repair and maintenance of your body and brain happen during sleep. You have to find nap times, early bedtimes, late wake up times. When I’m sick, 5 am wake up is out. That means I may not get in a workout that day. But the sleep is crucial, so it trumps exercise.



Didn’t I just say not to exercise? Not exactly. The heavy workouts can take a hiatus. But, if you can find a few minutes to exercise, yoga stretching and especially inversions can help boost immunity. Breath work (challenging with a stuffy nose!) and thymus tapping can help your body to fight more efficiently. Inversions direct blood flow to the thymus gland and are good for the immune system as well. Anyone can do inversions, even if you don’t do headstands or handstands yet. Lay with your bottom against a wall and rest your legs up the wall for 2-3 minutes. Wiggle the legs and bounce the feet as if you were jumping if you were upright. Rotate you ankles and move your toes. This will mobilize your lymphatic system to send fluid out of your legs back to your heart and help drain stagnant fluid from your lower body. Try a headstand if you have a free wall. It’ll make you feel better!

A little crooked, but I’m up there!



You have to drink lots of water. Herbal tea, apple cider vinegar tea, hot lemon water, room temp water, alkaline water: Just drink constantly. You should be running to the bathroom and flushing out the waste. Your body needs to be well hydrated to fight, so give it what it needs!



When I’m fighting off a cold, I use elderberry syrup and probiotics. The elderberry syrup is a powerful antioxidant to help with healing and the probiotics are a boost to my gut immunity. Quiet as it’s kept, your gut lining is one of your first lines of defense against the outside world. If you are eating lots of processed foods, sugar, animal foods and alcohol, your gut is working overtime, both in processing and detoxification. It may just be overloaded and miss defending you from the office cold that’s going around!



Raw Foods and Soups

Since we’re talking about gut immunity, your diet when you are ill is crucial. I eat lots of brothy soups, heavy on the veggies. Soup is easy in cold weather, but I find it harder to eat cold salads in winter when I get colds. However, raw foods can help improve gut bacteria. The living energy from fresh, raw foods can help increase your energy while you’re feeling low. The good news is, winter raw salads can be made in large batches once and served multiple times because hardy winter veggies hold up longer than soft summer greens. Think cabbage salads, kale salads. I just tried a detox salad from detoxinista.com that was amazing – the dressing was fantastic and easy. I left out the raisins and it was still delicious!

Also, try to leave out the dairy and animal foods. Lean proteins are ok if you must, but try to avoid pro-inflammatory foods (wheat, dairy, meat, sugar). This will help speed up the healing!


Cabbage, carrots and parsley – the start of a beautiful raw salad!


Congestion Help

I get head colds. Some people gets chest colds or bad coughs, but I battle congestion with almost every cold. The neti pot is good maintenance for flushing the sinuses for allergies, but also good for nasal congestion. Just take the time to learn how to use it correctly AND how to dry the sinuses after, or you’ll have a drippy nose (which I hate). Also, those rice packs you can microwave for muscle aches are also good to place over the sinuses. The lavender ones are nice to place on your face while you rest on the couch! And finally, my favorite natural congestion helper is an essential oil blend called Sun Breeze. I got a bottle as a gift in high school that I still have and it is amazing! You can make your own blend, but this tiny bottle is already done for you and is super powerful. Put a drop or two in one palm, press your hands together, and tent your hands over your nose and mouth and breathe in and out until you feel things open up. DO NOT touch the oil to your face – it’s some strong stuff!  I use this oil with the kids, but I tent my hands over their face for them (they’ll get it in their eyes or something, and that would be misery!).


My neti pot

My congestion helper!

Talk to Your Body

As if this post wasn’t granola-crunchy and alternative medicine enough, let me take this to the next level. We have to address the mind-body connection that impacts the healing process. This may sound kind of woo-woo, but you need to be careful about the way you describe your sickness and healing. Instead of saying, “I’m getting sick” or “I’m catching a cold” or “I’m coming down with something”, you can say, “I’m fighting off a bug” or “I’m having a powerful immune response” (my favorite!). Your body “hears” what you think, so if you tell your body that it is getting sick instead of that the body is fighting this cold off efficiently and powerfully, you will be sick for longer. I’m not saying a positive mental attitude will prevent illness (though happy people do get sick less often – unhappiness and depression suppress immunity). But you need to direct your mind to help your body heal quickly, so that it will. You are in charge of those thoughts, so think good ones for healing. Tell your body that it is fighting powerfully and efficiently, then give it what it needs to do the work and it will!


How do you care for yourself when you’re under the weather? Share in the comments section below!