Did you know that you can have exactly what you want?



It is possible! I know it doesn’t always feel that way. We have these goals and dreams and we really want to see them happen, but it feels like we try and try but things don’t change. It’s so discouraging…

But there’s a reason why getting to the new goal is so hard, why it feels like we keep running up against obstacle after obstacle. When we try to lose weight, we start a new diet, make a new plan, clear out the frig and pantry and buy new food. Before we get to successfully implement the plan, we’re off our plan or eating out when we planned not to or making reasons why we don’t need to be SO strict on the plan we set up. Why do we do this?


It’s all in your head.



I mean that literally. Your thoughts are what produce your current result. If you are 50 pounds over your goal weight,  you have been thinking in a way that has created that result. It’s not a judgment – it’s a fact. (Let me make a disclaimer: There’s absolutely no judgment here. You can be whatever weight you choose, and that’s fine. What isn’t ok is when you don’t want the result you have and you feel powerless to change it.)

Most of your thinking is learned and subconscious. You’ve been practicing your thoughts without having to actively think about them, probably for years. You might think it’s normal to have a glass of wine with dinner, or having dessert when you eat out is what everyone does, or eating a snack at 3 pm helps your energy. None of that is true – it’s just thoughts. If you think these routinely, you’re going to drink the wine and eat the dessert and snack. They might be thoughts that lead you to gain weight. At the very least, they are the reason why you have the result of your current weight.


If you want to get a different result, you need new thoughts. You learn how new thoughts create the result you want, then you practice that new thought until it becomes your default thinking. Super simple, right? But not super easy. It takes work to change your thinking. You know how when you get a new phone and all the settings are on default, and you have to go through one by one to customize them to your preferences? Your brain is the same way. Learning to be aware of your thoughts, recognizing how those thoughts create your results, and finding new thoughts that help you create what you want is a process. But it can be done!



If you know that your default thinking is preventing you from creating the results you want and you know you need help managing your mind, I’m here to help! If you want coaching to help you create the life you want, email me at drandreachristianparks@gmail.com and we’ll set up a consultation. You don’t have to figure this out alone!


Here’s your video help for the week!