Hello, beautiful! I’m so glad you’re here!


Welcome to the beginning of our new series, How To Know If You’re Ready To Lose Weight. Now, if you’ve been following me, you may be thinking, what? That’s what we’re doing, right? I’m a weight loss coach and these blogs have been about weight loss mindset and finding permanent weight loss, so of course, that’s what you’re here for! Actually, not always.



Why? I’ve spent a lot of years working with women and helping them solve different problems in their lives. Sometimes we’re in a place where we’ve identified a problem, we want it fixed, we are sure that we want the issue handled, we’re not actually ready to do what it takes to solve it. There is often a space between when we figure out what the problem is and when we’re truly ready to deal with it. Sometimes, the work and commitment that we need to deal with the issue aren’t quite there yet.


When it comes to weight loss it’s the same thing. You may have spent years trying different diets, jumping in and out of gym memberships, bouncing around different areas of your closet depending on what size you are that season. You might even be so frustrated by your weight that you’ve considered drastic measures like surgery.  Even that doesn’t mean you’re ready to work on permanent weight loss.



How do I know? You know too – let me show you. You’ve seen people who’ve gotten fed up and desperate enough to have weight loss surgery (not just talk about it – actually have the surgery done). Many of them initially lose weight and then gain much of it back. Many never get down to their goal weight or even to a weight that puts them near a normal BMI. I’ve had many consultations with women who want desperately to lose weight, but when it comes to making the decision to commit to themselves, they stop short.

What stops them? Sometimes it’s being stuck in diet mentality, thinking that what they really need is to just find the one magical eating plan that will work for them, as if there is a combination or code or series of lottery numbers that will cause the weight to come off once they find them. Sometimes it’s not being ready to prioritize this goal because of all the other important things in their life. This work just isn’t important enough to make the space. Sometimes it’s hesitating to invest in themselves – they’re not ready to bet on their success. That looks like not being ready to invest the time or the money it might take to get what they need to be successful. I’ve had women tell me the most compelling stories of their reasons for weight loss stop short at investing in a coaching program even when they want help and believe coaching will help them.

So no, not everyone is ready to commit to doing whatever it takes to lose their weight! And that’s ok. You don’t have to lose weight. You are worthy and lovable no matter what the number on the scale!



 You might realize you’re not quite there yet. But you want to be! Over the next few weeks, I want to share with you a few of the most powerful reasons I had when I decided to finally lose my weight almost 15 years ago. I hope that showing you what mindset was needed for permanent weight loss will help you find yours!

Now, some of you are already there. You know exactly why you want to lose your weight and you’ve got a list of strong whys to keep you going. But you also know that you need help, accountability, guidance, and maybe more than a little mind reprogramming to make this the last time you need to lose the weight. If you’re ready to invest in a coach to make your weight loss plan successful, I’m here to help! email me at drandreachristianparks@gmail.com and let’s set up a consultation. You don’t have to do this alone!


Here’s your video help for the week!