I don’t make New Year’s resolutions.


I can’t remember a time when I have. And every year I feel vaguely guilty, like it’s something I should do. Then I don’t do it. The argument goes something like this:

“What’s the point of a New Year’s resolution anyway? People make them all the time and break them before the end of January. Besides, I am working on so many things right now that it isn’t likely I’m going to make some huge change just because it’s the first of the year. What difference does a calendar date make? If I want to change something, I’m going to do it, and it doesn’t matter that it’s the middle of the year when I know I need to make the change. January 1 is just an arbitrary place to decide to make some big ol’ change anyway. So there!” (Tongue out).


(Yes, I told her to make this face…)


Ok, so maybe that was too much. You’d think I didn’t care about the coming of the new year. But actually, I do! I love the fresh hope of a new year, the anticipation of what could happen, the nostalgia of looking back and taking a moment to appreciate the growth and accomplishment of the previous twelve months. Sometimes, it feels good to let a challenging year go and move on to a new one!  And to be fair, my argument (with myself) is an accurate one. I don’t wait until a Monday or the end of the holidays to start a new eating plan (remember my post on quitting sugar?). If I need to make a change, once I get it set in my head, it is going to happen. Whenever. But that fresh, new year? It is exciting and invigorating and new (hence the name).  It deserves recognition, acknowledgement, commemoration!



But not a resolution, not for me. What is a resolution? Resolution is defined as “a firm decision to do (or not to do) something”. It’s great if you want to make resolutions (I’m not against them), but I make firm decisions all the time (drives my husband crazy, since my firm decision may not actually be the right one for everyone, even if it might be for me. Then I have to change it.) So January 1 makes no difference in my “firm decision” making practice. But I also want to move into the fresh newness of the year with power and intention. So I do something a little different for the New Year. I set a theme for the year, a guiding light to follow throughout the upcoming year. “The Year Of ___” or something like that. Want me to explain a little more? Ok, this is what I do:



I sit and wait. And wait. God always shows up. When I do this, I find out what my next move is. And I don’t want to be making moves unless they are the ones He wants. When I make the moves on my own (which unfortunately, I’m naturally quick to do), things don’t go as well. This year, what God wants me to do is very clear. This is the year to Listen. That word came up over and over in my meditation. I have to slow down, even as things move faster and listen. Whatever is coming this year, I will need most of all to listen for the guidance I need to know how to do what I’m asked to do. Something I am to do is coming this year, and I have to listen to be ready for it. So I will Listen.



Choose a Theme Scripture

Now this one, I haven’t done yet. No biggie, because I don’t actually choose the scripture. He gives it to me. Last year, it was Romans 12:2 “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” That was a mind altering one! It turned out to be an expansive year and I learned a lot about how I think, and how and what needed to change about my thinking. My 2018 scripture is coming…



That’s it! Sounds easy, right? No, it’s not, but that’s ok. My father used to tell me that anything worth having is worth working for. So even though sitting and meditating and finding a theme scripture might seem quick and straightforward, it actually requires some effort. Letting God lead you to find out your theme for the year requires you to empty yourself and your plans and be open to his. That’s why “Listen” is a challenge for me. Listen for what, when, how? And do what? I have to wait, which is hard for me. That’s pretty much how I know it’s not my idea, because I’d never choose this one for myself! Maybe for my kids… And the scripture? Well, anyone can choose a scripture for themselves. You can word search an electronic bible or pick an old favorite. But letting yourself be open to instructions in the scripture that will direct you in the way you should go, even if you wouldn’t choose it? Much harder. But definitely worth it!


Here’s to a powerful and intentional New Year! I pray that each of us finds the path that God has intended for us to find this year and in the years to come!


How do you start out your New Year? What traditions or rituals did you observe to bring in 2018? Please share in the comments below!