I am so tired.


We are nearing the end of the “high season” in our family, the one that starts with family visiting for Halloween, continues through our anniversary, hubby’s birthday, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the kid’s birthdays in the 30 days after Christmas. Friday night we will finish up the twin’s celebration of their ninth birthday with a pizza party. And. I. Am. Done.  Not in a bad way, but just in a now-I-can-breathe kind of way. I feel like I could sleep for a week straight through.



But other things beckon. First, work is still there. I’m going to take a vacation in March, but right now it’s a hustle. Then I need to find a date for my next Tea Talk. And I have this nagging voice in my head that says I’m behind because I didn’t get on the New Year launch into the year because I’ve been working on birthdays. I know, I wrote about not making resolutions, and I have been listening. And it’s been good practice and peaceful. But my type A self is a little too loud and I need her to pipe down!


So do I just stay on the treadmill and run until I fall off in exhaustion? Nope. Not a good plan. I do have an alternative, but it’s going to take flexing all my self control muscles and a BIG dose of the Spirit to downshift before the next hill I need to climb. What am I going to do? Here are some of the possibilities…




I’m going to sleep and sit around more. Yes, it’s still me! Actually, I’m not very good at being still, so this will take some effort. The constant racing around and checking things off my list has taken a toll on my creativity. I need some time to let my mind wander, to journal, to read novels, and to sleep. I’m going to have to get to bed on time (around 10 pm) and get up early so I can have the quiet house before the munchkins awake! Napping is also back on the schedule. I’ve let the bedtime drift later and my naps have gotten shorter (or eliminated) in the past couple of months. I can feel it too!





I’ve been practicing listening to God even more intensely this last few months, and it’s become clear that I’m practicing this to be ready for the next thing that’s coming. Whatever it is. I’ve been playing around with the idea of starting a YouTube channel, writing a book (or two) and I haven’t been sure what I should do first. Maybe I should do something completely different. Early in the morning, before I was really awake, this is what came to me:

“In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.” Proverbs 16:9

That’s the right order, folks. My tendency is to run ahead with my plan and then look back to ask if I’m doing the right thing, usually after I’m spread way too thin and I’m not sure if I can keep it up. That’s not going to work going forward. It doesn’t mean I don’t have ideas or thoughts about where I want to go, but I’m putting it before him and we’ll see what he says. I’ll listen, he’ll direct, and then I’ll get moving.


Self Care.


I’m thinking about a massage. Maybe a spa day? I haven’t done any serious relaxation in a long while. Months for sure. And while I’m committed to being fiscally responsible and family centered, I’m just not as good when my energy and self care stores are sapped. A day retreat away or a massage can cost me between $25-100, depending on how much I want to spare. It’s not much compared to what I’ll get from it and how much more will be able to flow through me to others. I don’t know what I’ll do, but I’m pretty sure some sort of retreat is necessary right about now!


That’s it. Rest, wait, and self care. It’s kind of like putting the garden to sleep in the winter so that it can be ready to produce well in the spring and summer. No producer does well without rest – not plants, animals, and definitely not people. I’m SO looking forward to the rest! And it’ll be exciting to see what grows up from me in the next season.


How do you rest and reset? Do you build rest into the seasons of your life? Please share in the comments below!